Wednesday, October 29, 2008

#14-Crossroads and Timelines

I had a timeline in my head for when I wanted to
start looking for new jobs, possibly move. I had
planned this for sometime in Feb or March.

However, an opportunity has presented itself
is almost too good to pass up. That timeline may
have to be modified.

So, I am now, again making decisions that will
affect the lives of other people. Forcing others,
specifically my brother, to uproot his life so I
can try to put mine back in order.

Do I choose the something good, or the something
better. Which choice is really better?


skinny minny said...

Hard to say which is good and which is better all you can do is go with your heart. YOU have to be concerned with you. Your brother can take care of himself and I bet he will understand as well.
guess what?

glindathegood said...

Your right, he already has a plan a and a plan b. He understands, it doesn't make it much easier.

skinny minny said...

Takes away a little guilt though...maybe? I knew any brother of yours had to be smart and capable.