Thursday, May 28, 2009


It has been just over a month now,
and I said the word aloud for the
first time today at the doctor's office.

I am Forty.

It sounded odd, coming from my mouth.

Forty year olds are supposed to be, well old.
They are supposed to be married, in that,
we've been together forever kind of way.

They are harassed by their 2.5 children
(who are now at least preteens).

And they own their own home, which
the husband works tirelessly to pay for
and maintain.

Nope, not me.

Recently divorced, renting a small
apartment, and have 0.0 children.

I think about all my friends that are

Some are still single,
some are still childless,
some are unhappily married,
some are divorced and raising
children as as single mom.

Some have the life I was taught about,
but most don't.

I guess life never turns out how we plan.
But is that by choice or by fate.
How can we know?

My mom recently said that I march
to my own drum. Have to do things
my own way. Guess I always have.

It works for me, things usually turn
out for the better.

I have a wonderful fiance, and we
are planning a wedding, talking about
children and working towards buying
that first home.

Other then the stress,
I think forty is going to be pretty good.