Sunday, October 19, 2008


Well, last night and most of today, I attended the
"Time Out, For Women" conference with my mom
and sister Shirey. It was really nice. Lots of good
speakers and music.

When I got home, I started on a task I have been
avoiding. Packing up Keith's things. He asked me
keep and store his papers and books, but everything
else-Clothes, shoes, etc can go to charity. He said his
OCD issues won't allow him to wear them anyway.
He just wants to start fresh.

I still have piles surrounding me, but I had to stop.
It was getting overwhelming. I will try to finish it up

Besides I found an old journal of mine
from when I was 19.

For those of you who knew me then, you can guess what
or who dominates those entries. It is kind of
sad and pathetic to look back on my "teenage love
affair". How much drama was in every little detail.
Thank goodness I have matured.

The one shining ray in that journal were the quotes
I had entered. Some were from friends, others from
my reading.

I'd like to share one that was written by James Allen.

"As you think you travel;
and as you love you attract.
Your are today
where your thoughts have brought you;
you will be tomorrow
where you thoughts take you.

You cannot escape the result of your thoughts,
but you can endure and learn...
you realize the vision
(no the idle wish)
of your heart,
be it base or beautiful...
for you will always gravitate
towards that which you
secretly, most love.

Whatever your present environment may be,
you will fall, remain or rise
with your thoughts, your vision, your ideal.

You will become as small as your controlling desire,
as great as your dominate aspiration."

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