Thursday, October 1, 2009

#28 home sweet home

Wooo Hooo!
I am a home owner.
I should say,
WE are home owners

I never thought it would happen.
At least not this soon.

He had the faith
He was determined
He made it happen.

He inspires me every day.
I am to worried about this or that.
If it had been in only my hands I
would still be in that little one bedroom.

He pushes me to believe
He helps me to grow and try those things
I may be too scared to do on my own.

When he sees something he wants,
he pursues it with gusto.

His drive to obtain his desires
is what brought us together.

I am thankful for that every day.
He showed me what a life with him could be like
and it was everything I wanted.

Buying the home is only his latest accomplishment.
But not the last.

I look forward to seeing what we will
accomplish next.

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