Friday, November 14, 2008

#18-Moving On

Well, I have been waiting for two weeks to hear
back about a potential new job. They were supposed
to call me by the 7th. After not hearing from them
by that night, my hopes of moving on faded. I held
out a little bit of hope on Monday, but no call. So,
I thought that the opportunity had passed.
I was waiting for the inevitable letter to come
in the mail that says, "sorry, your not good enough".

Friends and family kept calling to find out if I had
heard anything...but nothing. Told my best friend
yesterday that I'm sure they just hired someone
local. Not to worry, I would not be moving further way.

But this morning I got the call. I was so surprised I
was shaking. "Am I still interested in the position?"
they asked. I wanted to say HELL YA, but I settled
on a more professional YES-I am interested.

What this means for me
is a big pay increase,
way better benefits,
and a move.

While I am excited about moving back to the
Seattle area, I am a bit anxious.
My stomach has been doing flip-flops all day.

Part of the reason for the new job, is a move away
from my strict religious lifestyle. I am hoping
for new adventures with new people.

In order for me to do that I needed move away
from my family. I'm sure they would not approve
of some choices I am making. I needed some space
away from them to live my own life, without
them hovering over me.

I know they love me, and I love them. But I also
know that I will be disappointing them in someways,
and that is the hardest part of the decisions I
will be making.

So, I am moving on...
to a new city
a new job
new home
new friends
a new life.

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