Thought I would talk a moment to update my blog.
Life got busy with my new job,
new boyfriend, I mean fiance.
I have decided to live a life that is going to make
me happy and face the consequences as they come.
Met a wonderful man that loves and adores me
just they way I am. He lets me be myself, I feel
so good and comfortable when I am around him.
From the first time time we met, we just clicked.
We have the same goals and ideals that we want
in life.
We talked about marriage early on, but we
were officially engaged on Valentines Day. He
moved in at the end of the month.
That is when the consequences start.
Telling my bishop was the first step. I hoped
for the best, but planned for the worst. The visit
fell somewhere in between. I now have a time
limit on when to get married or face
excommunication from my church.
We were on track to be married in July, just in time
to meet my bishop's timeline. But now there is an
obstacle in the way that may require us to wait
another couple of months. We will see how that goes.
Then the call to tell my parents that my fiance was
moving in. That went better then I had hoped.
When I told my mom, she said "I figured as much".
We had a good talk. She said that she knows I am
an intelligent person and that I am not going into
this relationship with blinders on. They are not
pleased with my decision to live with someone before
I am married, but they know that he makes
me happy and they think he is a really good
person. They have accepted it, it is what it is.