This is directed to the person I had a conversation
with last night. You know who you are. You may
never read this, but I need to have my say:
"Yes, you are one of the most interesting people
I have ever met. You make having high blood pressure
sound exciting. You are sexy, intriguing, talented,
and for some reason to me-irresistible.
You are totally open and honest, almost
to a fault. I'm not sure if I will ever be able to be
as open and honest about my life and feelings as you are.
I am sorry if you feel like you wasted your time with me.
I am not. You opened the door to the possibilities of what
the world has to offer me. In doing so you made me
take stalk of my life. You made me search within myself
to find out what it really is that I want out of my life.
The life you offered me was fun and exciting. I think we
would have been great together, I would have learned a
lot from you emotionally, physically, politically, etc. I am
a bit sad that I will not have the opportunity have some
of those deep conversations you talked about.
But it would have only lasted a few months. It time I'm
sure I would have bored you, and you would have frustrated
You see, I have searched within my self and know what
I want out of my life. And what I want is a man
who loves me and only me. Someone who needs me
as much as he needs air.
I deserve that, everyone woman deserves that.
I want to have a family of my own to love and care for.
You may not know this, but that is one of factors in my
divorce. As much as he wanted to give me that opportunity
he was not ready to do that. I had to decide between my
dreams and him. And I chose me. It was the most
difficult decision I've had to make in my life.
I have not the lost the war to find myself. I have always
known what I want out of life. Just because my choices are
not the same as yours does not make me weak. My
desire to please you, to be what you envisioned me to be,
is what made me weak.
In fact, I think some of the choices I am making take a
lot of courage.
I did not plan to fall for one of the first people I met
after my divorce.
My choice to follow my heart and dreams sometimes
scares the shit out me.
But he is offering me all that I want out of life. He
treats me with respect and love and support and affection.
He has taken his time to get to know me, the person.
Phone calls, emails, text messages...daily.
Where have you been this past month?
You have your freedom to do as you want, when ever you
want. If that brings you bliss, then I am happy for you.
The life you offered me would only bring me heart ache.
I am a strong woman, and I am choosing the life I want,
the life that will bring me bliss."
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
#20 Busy, Busy
Just got the Internet back after 2 weeks.
I feel so connected.
I have moved into my own place,
so nice.
I have been working at my new job,
going well.
I have a new boyfriend,
so wonderful.
It is amazing how fast things can change.
Sometimes, though, I wonder if it is too
many changes, too soon.
My new boyfriend is amazing, wonderful, kind,
supportive, successful, he has all the qualities that
are most important to me. And he thinks I am
wonderful, sexy, and amazing too.
Yet, as I say good-bye to my "online friends" I feel sad,
maybe even a little heartbroken. I have cried over this
on several occations. Like I am breaking up with them.
But how, or why, does telling someone I have never met
(or only met once) that I will no longer be in contact with
them affect me so strongly.
Initially my plan was to move to Seattle, date a few people
until I found someone to settle down with.
I wanted to be the cosmopolitan "sex in the city" girl.
Many men offered me the opportunity to be that woman.
And it was exciting, and new, and appealing.
They had awakened me to possibilities out there.
Casual sex was something I had never done, I
looked forward to the experience.
But the closer I got to that reality, the more I realized
that is not who I really am.
My new boyfriend took the time between our
first online connection and our first in person visit
to get to know me. Emails, phone calls, text messages...
He seemed sincerely interested in me, the person.
He is the only one I met who accepted me as I was
and didn't try to mold me into something they wanted.
He is offering me all that I want in settle down,
have a family, buy a house, live the dream. When I am
with him I am so happy.
Yet part of me is sad to let go of the possibilities.
I feel so connected.
I have moved into my own place,
so nice.
I have been working at my new job,
going well.
I have a new boyfriend,
so wonderful.
It is amazing how fast things can change.
Sometimes, though, I wonder if it is too
many changes, too soon.
My new boyfriend is amazing, wonderful, kind,
supportive, successful, he has all the qualities that
are most important to me. And he thinks I am
wonderful, sexy, and amazing too.
Yet, as I say good-bye to my "online friends" I feel sad,
maybe even a little heartbroken. I have cried over this
on several occations. Like I am breaking up with them.
But how, or why, does telling someone I have never met
(or only met once) that I will no longer be in contact with
them affect me so strongly.
Initially my plan was to move to Seattle, date a few people
until I found someone to settle down with.
I wanted to be the cosmopolitan "sex in the city" girl.
Many men offered me the opportunity to be that woman.
And it was exciting, and new, and appealing.
They had awakened me to possibilities out there.
Casual sex was something I had never done, I
looked forward to the experience.
But the closer I got to that reality, the more I realized
that is not who I really am.
My new boyfriend took the time between our
first online connection and our first in person visit
to get to know me. Emails, phone calls, text messages...
He seemed sincerely interested in me, the person.
He is the only one I met who accepted me as I was
and didn't try to mold me into something they wanted.
He is offering me all that I want in settle down,
have a family, buy a house, live the dream. When I am
with him I am so happy.
Yet part of me is sad to let go of the possibilities.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ugh--My head is spinning
I have so much to do, and little time to do it in.
The idea of moving on is so much more appealing
then the reality. I guess I should have known that
by shaking up my life, I would be...shaking up my life.
I have to make sure my work is finished, and I just
had 3 more projects placed on my desk today.
I have to squeeze in time to train my replacement
I have to try and find a place to live...not my favorite
thing to do.
Oh ya, I also complicated my trip by scheduling, not
one but two lunch dates with some new friends. One
on Saturday, and one on the way home Sunday.
You can go ahead and say it. I'm a hussy.
I think I am taking my new found freedom a
little overboard. I may need a life preserver soon.
So now, I will try to sleep. I know it will be long in coming.
I had way too much caffeine today--and my mind is
still spinning.
I have so much to do, and little time to do it in.
The idea of moving on is so much more appealing
then the reality. I guess I should have known that
by shaking up my life, I would be...shaking up my life.
I have to make sure my work is finished, and I just
had 3 more projects placed on my desk today.
I have to squeeze in time to train my replacement
I have to try and find a place to live...not my favorite
thing to do.
Oh ya, I also complicated my trip by scheduling, not
one but two lunch dates with some new friends. One
on Saturday, and one on the way home Sunday.
You can go ahead and say it. I'm a hussy.
I think I am taking my new found freedom a
little overboard. I may need a life preserver soon.
So now, I will try to sleep. I know it will be long in coming.
I had way too much caffeine today--and my mind is
still spinning.
Friday, November 14, 2008
#18-Moving On
Well, I have been waiting for two weeks to hear
back about a potential new job. They were supposed
to call me by the 7th. After not hearing from them
by that night, my hopes of moving on faded. I held
out a little bit of hope on Monday, but no call. So,
I thought that the opportunity had passed.
I was waiting for the inevitable letter to come
in the mail that says, "sorry, your not good enough".
Friends and family kept calling to find out if I had
heard anything...but nothing. Told my best friend
yesterday that I'm sure they just hired someone
local. Not to worry, I would not be moving further way.
But this morning I got the call. I was so surprised I
was shaking. "Am I still interested in the position?"
they asked. I wanted to say HELL YA, but I settled
on a more professional YES-I am interested.
What this means for me
is a big pay increase,
way better benefits,
and a move.
While I am excited about moving back to the
Seattle area, I am a bit anxious.
My stomach has been doing flip-flops all day.
Part of the reason for the new job, is a move away
from my strict religious lifestyle. I am hoping
for new adventures with new people.
In order for me to do that I needed move away
from my family. I'm sure they would not approve
of some choices I am making. I needed some space
away from them to live my own life, without
them hovering over me.
I know they love me, and I love them. But I also
know that I will be disappointing them in someways,
and that is the hardest part of the decisions I
will be making.
So, I am moving on...
to a new city
a new job
new home
new friends
a new life.
back about a potential new job. They were supposed
to call me by the 7th. After not hearing from them
by that night, my hopes of moving on faded. I held
out a little bit of hope on Monday, but no call. So,
I thought that the opportunity had passed.
I was waiting for the inevitable letter to come
in the mail that says, "sorry, your not good enough".
Friends and family kept calling to find out if I had
heard anything...but nothing. Told my best friend
yesterday that I'm sure they just hired someone
local. Not to worry, I would not be moving further way.
But this morning I got the call. I was so surprised I
was shaking. "Am I still interested in the position?"
they asked. I wanted to say HELL YA, but I settled
on a more professional YES-I am interested.
What this means for me
is a big pay increase,
way better benefits,
and a move.
While I am excited about moving back to the
Seattle area, I am a bit anxious.
My stomach has been doing flip-flops all day.
Part of the reason for the new job, is a move away
from my strict religious lifestyle. I am hoping
for new adventures with new people.
In order for me to do that I needed move away
from my family. I'm sure they would not approve
of some choices I am making. I needed some space
away from them to live my own life, without
them hovering over me.
I know they love me, and I love them. But I also
know that I will be disappointing them in someways,
and that is the hardest part of the decisions I
will be making.
So, I am moving on...
to a new city
a new job
new home
new friends
a new life.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
#17-Veteran's Day
I just wanted to take a moment to honor all the
men and women who have served in the
armed forces.
This is in honor of my great uncle, Bert Shuey
who is on eternal patrol. Who was lost at sea,
August 6, 1945. The last boat lost in WWII.
This is in honor of my ex, who spent 13 years
in the air force. Who's life was forever changed
while defending the right for freedom and democracy.
This is in honor of my best friend and her three sons.
All who joined just prior to 9/11. On that day she knew
there lives would change as well.
To all of you, God Bless.
men and women who have served in the
armed forces.
This is in honor of my great uncle, Bert Shuey
who is on eternal patrol. Who was lost at sea,
August 6, 1945. The last boat lost in WWII.
This is in honor of my ex, who spent 13 years
in the air force. Who's life was forever changed
while defending the right for freedom and democracy.
This is in honor of my best friend and her three sons.
All who joined just prior to 9/11. On that day she knew
there lives would change as well.
To all of you, God Bless.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
#16-Just for fun
I know it is silly, but doesn't every girl
secretly wish they were a princess.
You Are Pocahantas!

Which Disney Princess Are You?
secretly wish they were a princess.
You Are Pocahantas!
Free-spirited and wise. You have a strong passionate spirit that touches and changes all who know you. The wisdom and common sense that you have is really what guides you through life. Even so, you also have a very playful side that loves adventure and excitement.
Which Disney Princess Are You?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
So, my sister has me hooked on the Twilight books.
In some ways I've feel a bit like Bella.
Being in places, making choices that may not be
wise, may actually be foolish and a little dangerous.
I should be weary, but I'm not.
I should feel guilt, but I don't.
In some ways I've feel a bit like Bella.
Being in places, making choices that may not be
wise, may actually be foolish and a little dangerous.
I should be weary, but I'm not.
I should feel guilt, but I don't.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
#14-Crossroads and Timelines
I had a timeline in my head for when I wanted to
start looking for new jobs, possibly move. I had
planned this for sometime in Feb or March.
However, an opportunity has presented itself
is almost too good to pass up. That timeline may
have to be modified.
So, I am now, again making decisions that will
affect the lives of other people. Forcing others,
specifically my brother, to uproot his life so I
can try to put mine back in order.
Do I choose the something good, or the something
better. Which choice is really better?
start looking for new jobs, possibly move. I had
planned this for sometime in Feb or March.
However, an opportunity has presented itself
is almost too good to pass up. That timeline may
have to be modified.
So, I am now, again making decisions that will
affect the lives of other people. Forcing others,
specifically my brother, to uproot his life so I
can try to put mine back in order.
Do I choose the something good, or the something
better. Which choice is really better?
Monday, October 27, 2008
I was just about to edit what I just wrote
below in #12. I was afraid some people might
not understand... or find me too whatever.
Hell, only 3 or 4 people in the world even know
this blog exisits.
I got to stop editing my life.
Take a step, analyze, edit,
Such a boring and monotonous life.
I've got to make it stop.
below in #12. I was afraid some people might
not understand... or find me too whatever.
Hell, only 3 or 4 people in the world even know
this blog exisits.
I got to stop editing my life.
Take a step, analyze, edit,
Such a boring and monotonous life.
I've got to make it stop.
I just re-read my last post and have found some irony
in what I wrote.
This weekend I felt like I was nineteen,
not a mature woman of nearly forty. Awkward,
nervous, unsure. Why can't I be the woman I think
I am, the woman I want to be.
Those close to me see that woman. The strong,
confident, intelligent, funny, easy going woman that I
imagine I am. Why is that so difficult for me to share
with the rest of the world. Why am I so afraid of
what others think that it prevents me from
doing or being anything.
Why do I freeze up every time I'm faced with
new situations, put up my walls.
I feel like those walls are sometimes preventing me
from living life. I over think everything, plan everything,
prepare for everything. Why can't I just let things
happen, enjoy the moment.
I feel as if I live my life in my head. Make the smart
choices, follow the logical path, be the good girl.
I don't feel as if I allow myself to live my life with my
heart, with passion and gusto. I wish I could. I wish
I knew how. I wish I had the courage to follow my
childhood dreams, but I have always made the
practical plans, modified my dreams so that they
can fit the practical life...
How can I let go, and live my life with my heart.
I know that by doing that I may find the greatest joy,
but also risk facing greater sorrow.
Can my heart take it? Are the walls I've built
to protect it too thick or to tall for me to remove?
Where can I find a damn demolition crew?
in what I wrote.
This weekend I felt like I was nineteen,
not a mature woman of nearly forty. Awkward,
nervous, unsure. Why can't I be the woman I think
I am, the woman I want to be.
Those close to me see that woman. The strong,
confident, intelligent, funny, easy going woman that I
imagine I am. Why is that so difficult for me to share
with the rest of the world. Why am I so afraid of
what others think that it prevents me from
doing or being anything.
Why do I freeze up every time I'm faced with
new situations, put up my walls.
I feel like those walls are sometimes preventing me
from living life. I over think everything, plan everything,
prepare for everything. Why can't I just let things
happen, enjoy the moment.
I feel as if I live my life in my head. Make the smart
choices, follow the logical path, be the good girl.
I don't feel as if I allow myself to live my life with my
heart, with passion and gusto. I wish I could. I wish
I knew how. I wish I had the courage to follow my
childhood dreams, but I have always made the
practical plans, modified my dreams so that they
can fit the practical life...
How can I let go, and live my life with my heart.
I know that by doing that I may find the greatest joy,
but also risk facing greater sorrow.
Can my heart take it? Are the walls I've built
to protect it too thick or to tall for me to remove?
Where can I find a damn demolition crew?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Well, last night and most of today, I attended the
"Time Out, For Women" conference with my mom
and sister Shirey. It was really nice. Lots of good
speakers and music.
When I got home, I started on a task I have been
avoiding. Packing up Keith's things. He asked me
keep and store his papers and books, but everything
else-Clothes, shoes, etc can go to charity. He said his
OCD issues won't allow him to wear them anyway.
He just wants to start fresh.
I still have piles surrounding me, but I had to stop.
It was getting overwhelming. I will try to finish it up
Besides I found an old journal of mine
from when I was 19.
For those of you who knew me then, you can guess what
or who dominates those entries. It is kind of
sad and pathetic to look back on my "teenage love
affair". How much drama was in every little detail.
Thank goodness I have matured.
The one shining ray in that journal were the quotes
I had entered. Some were from friends, others from
my reading.
I'd like to share one that was written by James Allen.
"As you think you travel;
and as you love you attract.
Your are today
where your thoughts have brought you;
you will be tomorrow
where you thoughts take you.
You cannot escape the result of your thoughts,
but you can endure and learn...
you realize the vision
(no the idle wish)
of your heart,
be it base or beautiful...
for you will always gravitate
towards that which you
secretly, most love.
Whatever your present environment may be,
you will fall, remain or rise
with your thoughts, your vision, your ideal.
You will become as small as your controlling desire,
as great as your dominate aspiration."
"Time Out, For Women" conference with my mom
and sister Shirey. It was really nice. Lots of good
speakers and music.
When I got home, I started on a task I have been
avoiding. Packing up Keith's things. He asked me
keep and store his papers and books, but everything
else-Clothes, shoes, etc can go to charity. He said his
OCD issues won't allow him to wear them anyway.
He just wants to start fresh.
I still have piles surrounding me, but I had to stop.
It was getting overwhelming. I will try to finish it up
Besides I found an old journal of mine
from when I was 19.
For those of you who knew me then, you can guess what
or who dominates those entries. It is kind of
sad and pathetic to look back on my "teenage love
affair". How much drama was in every little detail.
Thank goodness I have matured.
The one shining ray in that journal were the quotes
I had entered. Some were from friends, others from
my reading.
I'd like to share one that was written by James Allen.
"As you think you travel;
and as you love you attract.
Your are today
where your thoughts have brought you;
you will be tomorrow
where you thoughts take you.
You cannot escape the result of your thoughts,
but you can endure and learn...
you realize the vision
(no the idle wish)
of your heart,
be it base or beautiful...
for you will always gravitate
towards that which you
secretly, most love.
Whatever your present environment may be,
you will fall, remain or rise
with your thoughts, your vision, your ideal.
You will become as small as your controlling desire,
as great as your dominate aspiration."
Thursday, October 16, 2008
#10-Waveless Rider
This may just be a hormonal rant, so take it
for what it's worth.
Today totally sucks!
I feel like a surfer at the end of their wave,
unsteady and wobbly, with only the cold
salty water waiting to catch them.
Had to go to work early to cover a sick coworker
Had another one get sick, short staffed all day
worked 9 straight hours with only 2 short breaks
to um......"powder my nose". And I had to coddle
a parent that complains about every little thing.
Came home and called a friend, I admit, looking for
sympathy. All I got were condescending comments,
not what I needed. Was a little snippy with her,
hung up, now I feel bad. Will probably have to
call and apologize.
Went on to my LDS website, where I've made a few
friends, mostly women, mostly Canadian. (I have to
admit that I find the Canadian people on that site a
little more in line with my own views). The boards and
chat rooms were filled with juvenile, high school antics.
On top of that they were also ignorant, racist, stubborn,
ultra conservative snobs.
After my separation, it was the one place I could go
for support and unbiased advice. Now I only go to
keep in touch with a good friends I've made.
So now I'm going to wallow in my own ocean of
salty tears, crank up some melancholy 80's music,
and turn up the damn heat in this
house, so Scott can complain about how
hot it is when he gets home.
There, rant over. I'll be better in an hour.
for what it's worth.
Today totally sucks!
I feel like a surfer at the end of their wave,
unsteady and wobbly, with only the cold
salty water waiting to catch them.
Had to go to work early to cover a sick coworker
Had another one get sick, short staffed all day
worked 9 straight hours with only 2 short breaks
to um......"powder my nose". And I had to coddle
a parent that complains about every little thing.
Came home and called a friend, I admit, looking for
sympathy. All I got were condescending comments,
not what I needed. Was a little snippy with her,
hung up, now I feel bad. Will probably have to
call and apologize.
Went on to my LDS website, where I've made a few
friends, mostly women, mostly Canadian. (I have to
admit that I find the Canadian people on that site a
little more in line with my own views). The boards and
chat rooms were filled with juvenile, high school antics.
On top of that they were also ignorant, racist, stubborn,
ultra conservative snobs.
After my separation, it was the one place I could go
for support and unbiased advice. Now I only go to
keep in touch with a good friends I've made.
So now I'm going to wallow in my own ocean of
salty tears, crank up some melancholy 80's music,
and turn up the damn heat in this
house, so Scott can complain about how
hot it is when he gets home.
There, rant over. I'll be better in an hour.
Monday, October 13, 2008
#9-In Memory
Today when I went to work,
I found out that a good friend and colleague
had passed away.
Even though you may not know her,
I would like to take a moment to remember her.
Kate Wells, was only 55.
Professionally she was the Mental Health Specialist
for our agency. She was always there with ways to
support and encourage us in the work we do.
For the first year I was with the agency, Kate's office
was next to mine. I have to admit I enjoyed her collection
of "Jack Sparrow" posters. We collaborated on several
projects together and visited regularly.
Last year as I was undergoing fertility testing and
treatment, she was always there encouraging me,
asking me if I was pregnant yet.
The day I told her that I had asked my husband to
leave she sat in my office and talked with me for two
hours. She was divorced from her first husband for
very similar reasons to mine. She offered insight,
advice, and most importantly a shoulder to cry on.
She would call and check in with me regularly and see
how I was doing.
I spoke with her the day after she received her diagnosis.
They had told her that she only had a 10-20 % of beating
the cancer. She said she knew that smoking would kill
her someday, but she thought she would have more time.
She fought the cancer with all she had, but her will
was not strong enough to fight the disease within her.
She was a woman of great strength, character
and kindness. She will be greatly missed.
Rest in peace Kate, and God Bless.
I found out that a good friend and colleague
had passed away.
Even though you may not know her,
I would like to take a moment to remember her.
Kate Wells, was only 55.
Professionally she was the Mental Health Specialist
for our agency. She was always there with ways to
support and encourage us in the work we do.
For the first year I was with the agency, Kate's office
was next to mine. I have to admit I enjoyed her collection
of "Jack Sparrow" posters. We collaborated on several
projects together and visited regularly.
Last year as I was undergoing fertility testing and
treatment, she was always there encouraging me,
asking me if I was pregnant yet.
The day I told her that I had asked my husband to
leave she sat in my office and talked with me for two
hours. She was divorced from her first husband for
very similar reasons to mine. She offered insight,
advice, and most importantly a shoulder to cry on.
She would call and check in with me regularly and see
how I was doing.
I spoke with her the day after she received her diagnosis.
They had told her that she only had a 10-20 % of beating
the cancer. She said she knew that smoking would kill
her someday, but she thought she would have more time.
She fought the cancer with all she had, but her will
was not strong enough to fight the disease within her.
She was a woman of great strength, character
and kindness. She will be greatly missed.
Rest in peace Kate, and God Bless.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Entry 8- Frozen Pillow
as I entered my bed
I was unable to find
Snowy white sheets
and a frozen pillow,
permeated by an autumn chill
were all I could find.
And my body shivered
During summers
sweltering nights,
aroused by heat,
I would stretch and
reach for the
cool comfort
found on your
empty side of the bed.
Now all I find there
is nothing.
No comfort
No warmth
No one
So I lay on my side
wrapped in my own cocoon
facing your empty space
and yearn for someone
to warm the void.
as I entered my bed
I was unable to find
Snowy white sheets
and a frozen pillow,
permeated by an autumn chill
were all I could find.
And my body shivered
During summers
sweltering nights,
aroused by heat,
I would stretch and
reach for the
cool comfort
found on your
empty side of the bed.
Now all I find there
is nothing.
No comfort
No warmth
No one
So I lay on my side
wrapped in my own cocoon
facing your empty space
and yearn for someone
to warm the void.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Entry 7-Music
I had a long day today.
Worked 11 hours, it happens sometimes.
Not what I want to talk about
When I got home, I put in my Beethoven CD.
I sat in the twilight and listened to the first
notes of Moonlight Sonata.
My body instantly relaxed.
My mind cleared.
And I felt peace.
It is amazing to me the powerful effect that
music has on our lives, at least my life.
After 20 minutes of meditating with Beethoven,
I was ready to get on with the rest of my day.
I put in my dance mix, and "shook what my
mama gave me" as I did the dishes and made
I think you can tell a lot about a person by
the music they surround themselves with.
I had no idea my good friend was into 80's rock
until I saw the list on her blog. I can totally see
it now. It fits her.
I can't imagine what life would be like with out
music. Sometimes it has been my only salvation.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Entry 6- Money is the root of all...
I have decided to delete what I had writen out of
respect for my husband. We have talked and worked
through this issue. No one else needs to know-I
appreciate the words of support from my friends.
respect for my husband. We have talked and worked
through this issue. No one else needs to know-I
appreciate the words of support from my friends.
Entry 5-Restless
I've been lying awake for almost 2 hours now.
Need to sleep, but it is illusive.
Could be all the nyquil I had today.
Slept a lot, feel better.
Could be the chat I had earlier with a new friend.
Probably both.
Can’t sleep,
Twisting white ropes
Tangled in my limbs
Too hot
Too cold
Can’t stop
My mind from wandering
Into dark closets
Rarely opened to the light
Too much
Too soon
Can’t sleep
My inner thoughts
Struggle in a violent battle
To win my soul
Need to sleep, but it is illusive.
Could be all the nyquil I had today.
Slept a lot, feel better.
Could be the chat I had earlier with a new friend.
Probably both.
Can’t sleep,
Twisting white ropes
Tangled in my limbs
Too hot
Too cold
Can’t stop
My mind from wandering
Into dark closets
Rarely opened to the light
Too much
Too soon
Can’t sleep
My inner thoughts
Struggle in a violent battle
To win my soul
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Entry 4-
I was home sick today.
Thought I would have lots of time to write,
But my brain is in a nyquil induced fog.
So this is all you'll get.
Thought I would have lots of time to write,
But my brain is in a nyquil induced fog.
So this is all you'll get.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Entry 3- Conflicted
So, I was raised as a devout Mormon. With that comes certain expectations. Live a good life, make good decisions, marry a good mormon boy, have lots of good mormon babies.
Sometimes it's not easy being "good"
Here is my conflict.
Do I wait around, live the "good" life, hoping that I will be blessed with a wonderful, caring mormon man?
Do I look outside the church? Look for someone that would be a good, decent, hardworking man. If I do find someone, outside the church, is it realistic for me to enforce my moral values on them. Would they stick with me long enough to get married?
Do I really want to wait?
I met my husband, soon to be former husband, when I was 31. I was "good" up until then. We met in September, were engaged in October, married in February. Sometime between Halloween and Valentines day I stopped being "good". If I was unable to wait the first time, what makes me think I can wait the next time?
Do I really want to wait?
My experience with mormon men is that they are very picky when it comes to their women. There seems to always be someone better around the corner, and with the male/female ratio at church, there probably is.
Now that I am older, there seems to be even less opportunities to find a good, decent, intelligent, hardworking mormon man.
My best friend's husband is an atheist, and he is one of nicest men I've met. Do I exclude 90% of my potential dating pool, just because they don't share the same religion?
I have known good, intelligent, kind women who are in their 50s who have never married, some who have never been intimate with a man. They are still waiting for a nice mormon man.
Do I really want to wait?
Intimacy between a man and woman is a natural thing. The church tells us..."Physical intimacy between husband and wife is beautiful and sacred. It is ordained of God for the creation of children and for the expression of love within marriage."
I get that, I want that. But now, I seem to be encumbered by paperwork. I've been separated from my husband for 4 months, divorce papers are filed, I have no intention of remaining married to him. Yet if I decide I want some, I could go to him get what I need and come back to the same situation as before. And no one in the church would care.
But come December 24th. Once those papers are signed he is off limits. Everyone is off limits.
A piece of paper determines if I can or can't have sex.
Or, do I decide?
How long do I wait?
I don't know
Do I really want to wait?
I don't know
Sometimes it's not easy being "good"
Here is my conflict.
Do I wait around, live the "good" life, hoping that I will be blessed with a wonderful, caring mormon man?
Do I look outside the church? Look for someone that would be a good, decent, hardworking man. If I do find someone, outside the church, is it realistic for me to enforce my moral values on them. Would they stick with me long enough to get married?
Do I really want to wait?
I met my husband, soon to be former husband, when I was 31. I was "good" up until then. We met in September, were engaged in October, married in February. Sometime between Halloween and Valentines day I stopped being "good". If I was unable to wait the first time, what makes me think I can wait the next time?
Do I really want to wait?
My experience with mormon men is that they are very picky when it comes to their women. There seems to always be someone better around the corner, and with the male/female ratio at church, there probably is.
Now that I am older, there seems to be even less opportunities to find a good, decent, intelligent, hardworking mormon man.
My best friend's husband is an atheist, and he is one of nicest men I've met. Do I exclude 90% of my potential dating pool, just because they don't share the same religion?
I have known good, intelligent, kind women who are in their 50s who have never married, some who have never been intimate with a man. They are still waiting for a nice mormon man.
Do I really want to wait?
Intimacy between a man and woman is a natural thing. The church tells us..."Physical intimacy between husband and wife is beautiful and sacred. It is ordained of God for the creation of children and for the expression of love within marriage."
I get that, I want that. But now, I seem to be encumbered by paperwork. I've been separated from my husband for 4 months, divorce papers are filed, I have no intention of remaining married to him. Yet if I decide I want some, I could go to him get what I need and come back to the same situation as before. And no one in the church would care.
But come December 24th. Once those papers are signed he is off limits. Everyone is off limits.
A piece of paper determines if I can or can't have sex.
Or, do I decide?
How long do I wait?
I don't know
Do I really want to wait?
I don't know
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Entry 2- Online
I wrote this a few weeks ago. I had been chatting online with a really big jacka_ _. Kept Lying to me, telling me one thing saying/doing another the next time. It was written in a hurry.
By Glinda Mathis
Twisting wires
cross the earth
like lovers limbs
Electricity pulses
with every breath
with every sound
Souls joined in an invisible bond
pulled closer
by the wires that bind them
Yet, Intimacy
is elusive
never touching
never knowing
what Truths will be revealed
scattered across the air
like a dandelion,
blown about
by a thoughtless wind.
By Glinda Mathis
Twisting wires
cross the earth
like lovers limbs
Electricity pulses
with every breath
with every sound
Souls joined in an invisible bond
pulled closer
by the wires that bind them
Yet, Intimacy
is elusive
never touching
never knowing
what Truths will be revealed
scattered across the air
like a dandelion,
blown about
by a thoughtless wind.
Entry 1
I wanted a space where I could write my truth, through my eyes. As I am currently getting a divorce and spending more of my free time online.
I am finding that TRUTH is relative. It depends on your own experiences-past and present, your own personal beliefs, the way you approach life. Two people can share the same experience, and their truth of what happened will different. This is my view.
I am finding that TRUTH is relative. It depends on your own experiences-past and present, your own personal beliefs, the way you approach life. Two people can share the same experience, and their truth of what happened will different. This is my view.
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